Land use change and its effects at different spatial and temporal scales on bird biodiversity in the lower Delta of the Paraná River
Yanina Vanesa Sica
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wetlands are among the most productive and diverse ecosystems on Earth. Land use changes that modify its original landscape are one of the main threats to global biodiversity. In Argentina, the Lower Delta of Paraná River is characterized by its high biodiversity due to its particular environmental heterogeneity. However, it is being extremely modified. Forestation and intensification of livestock have caused profound landscape alterations by removing the original land covers (riparian forests and rushes). This project aims to understand avian response to land use change contributing to avian conservation. Using avian diversity as an indicator of ecological condition, we will determine which land uses produce the deepest impacts and foresee the environment response to future changes. As a consequence, we will develop tools to be used in land use planning and natural resource management to ensure conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services to benefit local communities.