Co-culture approach for the characterization of protein-protein interactions involving the neuronal glycoprotein m6a in neuronal plasticity
Gabriela Inés Aparicio
Indiana University
People with debilitating diseases face a number of challenges that take an extensive toll on their health and finances. In particular, the peripheral nervous system, that refers to parts of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord; includes the cranial nerves and spinal nerves from their origin to their end. Motor neuron dysfunction results in muscle weakness or paralysis. Sensory neuron dysfunction results in abnormal or loss of sensation. Some of these disorders are progressive and fatal. At Dr. Paula Monje Lab, cultured Schwann cells are used as platforms for basic cell signaling studies, in vitro models of injury and myelination, and drug testing. Dr. Monje also use these models in experimental cell therapy to understand mechanisms of nerve tissue repair in the central nervous system. The experiments we plan to do in this project, master state of the art techniques that are not yet available within the scientific community in Argentina. The results obtained will contribute to a continue developing area of neuroscience and will constitute an initial step towards a translational phase to clinics.